Yellowstone - A Ticking Time-Bomb?

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Continued from page 1

Based onrepparttar film, worst-case scenerio would prove cataclysmic. Not only would nearly everything in its deadly path be destroyed, but its treachery would amiss worldwide in large-scale environmental hazards.

In all of its awesome and hypnotic beauty, Yellowstone typically incurs anywhere between one to three-thousand earthquakes annually. Though scientists lay claim that renewed volcanic activities will more than likely be nonexplosive lava eruptions, Yellowstone has had several, lethal volcanic events. Its last catastropic eruption occurred 640,000 years ago. To date, modern science cannot reliably make accurate predictions of when another cataclysimic event will inevitably occur at Yellowstone.

In a race against time and eruption-cycle averages, one can only hope that FEMA and other worldwide organizations will come up with life-preserving measures that will, at least, keeprepparttar 134882 spark of life alive on planet Earth should such a cataclysmic eruption happen.

Would you like to add your thoughts and opinions to this segment? Feel free to interact with Holistic Junction's forum on Yellowstone by going to our Home Page and clicking onrepparttar 134883 hot topic forum thread: Yellowstone - A Ticking Time-Bomb?


Yellowstone - A Ticking Time-Bomb? Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved by C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. LadyCamelot

C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. LadyCamelot Public Relations' Director & Staff Writer Holistic Junction Media Positve Radio

Why Phase-Out Organotin Paint?

Written by Margot B

Continued from page 1

To support conservation of marine biodiversity and reduce destructive human impacts it is imperative thatrepparttar use of these organotin compounds be phased out. This chemical is considered to berepparttar 110141 most toxic chemical ever deliberately released intorepparttar 110142 marine environment.


Patricia Cameron Pollution Prevention Officer WWF Germany - Marine and Coastal Division Am Güthpol 11 D - 28757 Bremen Germany Tel. +49 421 65846 16 Fax +49 421 65846 26 email: _ HYPERLINK

Dr Simon Vowles Marine Policy Officer [Pollution] WWF Panda House Weyside Park Godalming GU7 1XR UK Tel ++44 1483 426 444

Margot B, Writer & Web Developer

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